Final Thoughts with Video

Final Thoughts with Video


Be sure to check out the Basic Height Control forum section - it has more info on height control and routing

Advanced height control got derailed

I'm not a fan of the plasmacam gantry

retrofitting is ok if you have a dead plasmacam table - you can get it working - you can get some cutting done - and you can learn a lot about cnc tech - but the gantry is sub par - you will need and want smoother motion, more rigidity, less wear, and much less springiness to have a good cnc table - so its not finished until you replace everything except the two servo motors

its worth noting, you can get a pair of better brushless servo motors and drivers for a reasonable price - the only good thing about retrofitting a plasmacam is its convenient to have a cnc contraption already assembled to play with

turn on closed captions - I lost the audio in the video - watch to the end - it covers a lot of the downsides - but it also demonstrates that it does work - and you can get creative with it - the more you change the better it works - but man those damn springs are flimsy

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